what is a mobile wap portal?

Generally people don't know  the exact abbrevation of wap means "wireless application portal".In this present generation of mobile world.wap portals plays a major role in the upcoming generation since the world is advancing,the use of mobiles is also increasing at a rapid pace.

What operating system used in nokia mobile phones?

The collaborative support from the industry for the growing power of the Psion software base led to the historic formation in 1998 of Symbian, a joint venture between Psion and phone manufacturers Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia. Over the next few years Symbian helped bring forth the explosion of mobile device innovation—with Symbian software at the base of more than 100 million phones by 2006.
In 2008, the next step of Symbian evolution took place, with Nokia purchasing all Symbian assets and starting the software down the path to open source. As the Symbian Foundation and all its members look to the future and the billions of forthcoming interconnected mobile devices, it will be innovative collaboration—working together —that will help make people more productive, more creative and more entertained than ever before.

What is India study channel?How can it be useful?

IndiaStudyChannel.com is an educational portal providing reliable and comprehensive information on educational institutions, examinations, education system, exam results, entrance examinations, previous years university question papers etc. Members can participate in a discuss forum which will be reviewed by an English expert and will help members to improve their English skills. Also, members can earn revenue through various sections of this site by contributing content like your previous years question papers, submitting educational news etc. In most sections of this site, you will earn Google AdSense revenue share for a period of 1 year from the date of submitting a specific post. In some sections like previous years question papers, we will pay you cash you in addition to the Google AdSense revenue sharing program.

How to earn by flixya?

How to earn maximum revenue through flixya,xombia by only watching uploading and writing articles. when you register your account with flixya and xombia you adsense account is affliated with these services they get your google publisher id now what happen in you profile article and every post the google ads(advertisement) is shown by name google advertiser in the extreme right and left side some time below of your profile page and name now by clicking in the adsense of any other profile google ads it will provide him revenue in his google account .

Tools for Bloggers for posting made easy?

  • Email Scrambler
    Prevent spam-bots getting your email address by scrambling your email links with this easy Javascript generator.
  • Blog/News Headlines widgets
    Create headlines widgets from your blog or favorite news feeds. Great for highlighting your recent posts in your sidebar! Fully customizable, no branding or backlinks included.
  • Free Pagerank Tools
    Check your Google and Alexa pageranks, backlinks and more! You can even get a free Pagerank display for your blog which dynamically updates so you can be sure your Pagerank is up to date.

New features in wordpress?

  • Completely Redesigned Backend — The first thing you’ll notice when you login to your blog is the backend has been completely overhauled for both aesthetics and usability. This is the first iteration of exciting things to come from the Shuttle team of designers that has been volunteering their time, and look for even more aesthetic improvements in the future.
  • Faster Administration — Call it AJAX, call it DHTML, call it Larry, but we’ve paid close attention to streamlining some of the most common tasks in managing your blog. For example if you’re writing a post and you can add categories on the fly, much like tagging in Flickr. Also instead of having two separate UIs for “simple” and “advanced” posting, we’ve combined them and let you customize the layout of the page on the fly by dragging and dropping the dialogs around. It saves where you put things so when you return it’s just like you left it. When you delete a comment or category it will fade out without a page load.
  • WYSIWYG Editing — WP dev Andy Skelton and the TinyMCE team have done a tremendous amount of work to bring a smooth WYSIWYG editing experience to WordPress. As code purists, we are very picky about what kind of HTML is generated, and while it’s not perfect yet (for instance nested lists can cause trouble) for 95% of what you do post-to-post the WYSIWYG should save you time. And if it doesn’t, you can turn it off on your profile page. One note: Safari and older versions of Opera, both fantastic browsers, don’t yet support everything that’s needed to do WYSIWYG, but we fully expect new versions of those browsers will continue to improve their standards support, so it may just be a matter of time.
  • Included Spam and Backup Plugins — We’ve included two of the most popular WordPress plugins: Skippy’s DB backup can backup your database to a file and optionally email you a copy; Akismet is a distributed anti-spam system which gets smarter the more people use it.
  • Resizable Editing — This is one of my personal favorite features. Ever been writing a post and that textarea seemed a little small? Happens to me all the time, and our new rich text editor includes a feature that lets you resize the editor on-the-fly by clicking on the corner, just like a regular window.
  • Inline Uploading — We’ve optimized our uploader for image, audio, and video files and put it inline with the posting screen. You don’t have to bounce around any more when writing a post! It also will organize your files for you as you upload them to make them easier to find later. On the backend, each uploaded file is actually a “sub-post” so it can have individual comments and pingbacks, its own permalink, and even a custom template based on what type of file it is. You can click on attached files to get a menu of options, or if you’re on Firefox you can drag and drop them into your WYSIWYG editor.
  • Faster Posting — In the past if you were linking to a number of posts or pinging a lot of update services, your posting time could appear to slow to a crawl even though everything was instantly done on the backend. We’ve modified how this works now so posting should be near-instantaneous, like everything else in WordPress.
  • Post Preview — Another enhancement to the post screen, now when you save a post it shows a live preview of how the post would look on your site, with the stylesheet and theme and everything. No more publishing a post just to see if it works.
  • Streamlined Importing — We’ve rewritten our import system from the ground up to be much easier to use (you no longer have to edit files), put it behind authentication, and also made it easy for new importers to be dropped into the system, much like plugins.
  • User Roles — We had a ton of feedback on our old numerical user level system. No one was exactly sure what those numbers meant! We’ve distilled the basic functions into a set of roles — such as administrator, editor, contributor — that make it easier to understand what sort of capabilities you’re giving your blog’s users. The new system is completely pluggable too, so plugins can modify roles and create groups that have access to certain things.
  • Header Customization — If you’re tired of the blue header in the default theme, you can now change the colors and text of it, which we’ve included as a demo of some of the new features available to theme authors.

How google chrome is different from other browsers?

Google Chrome is a web browser that runs web pages and

applications with lightning speed. Read about why we built a browser.

Quick to start up from your desktop
Loads web pages in a snap
Runs web applications faster than ever
Designed for efficiency and ease of use
Search and navigate to web pages from the same box
Arrange and organize tabs however you wish — quickly and easily
Get to your favorite websites with just a click, from the thumbnails of your most visited sites in the New page.

Features of firefox latest version ?

Play Tag

Once you build up a large list of bookmarks, keeping track of them all can get a little messy. To stay organized, you can assign tags to your bookmarked sites: just double-click on the star icon and you’ll be prompted to enter your tags.
You can tag a site with as many terms as you want (be sure to put a comma between each tag), and then easily find the sites again by typing that tag into the location bar. For example, entering "travel" into the location bar will bring up all the sites you’ve been bookmarking as part of your vacation research.

Learn All About Add-ons

The standard version of Firefox is full of features, of course, but why stop there? There are more than 5,000 Add-ons — little extras that customize Firefox — that you can download to enhance almost any task you can think of. Go to Tools → Add-ons to open the Add-ons Manager and discover all the ways you can make Firefox your own.

Search Smarter

You’re already familiar with the search bar built in to Firefox. But did you know you can customize it with just about any search engine you want? Just click on the icon to the left of your search bar to see the menu of default options.

Even better, click Manage Search Engines… to rearrange the list, add additional choices and even assign keyboard shortcuts to your favorite search engines. For example, you could give Google the shortcut "G" - then if you wanted to do a search for cookie recipes, simply typing "G cookie recipes" in the location bar would generate the full list.

Find it in a Flash

The Find As You Type feature is another handy timesaver. Rather than using the “find” bar to search for a word on page, just hit the / key and start typing the word you want. Your cursor will immediately jump to the first instance of that term.
You can use it for links, too. For example, instead of moving your mouse across the page to a "learn more" link, just start typing the word and when the cursor finds it, press enter.

Eliminate Every Trace

For security and privacy reasons, it's not good to leave a trail behind you as you browse (especially if you’re using a shared computer). Firefox lets you erase your browsing and download history, clear your cache and delete your cookies in a single click. Just go to Tools → Clear Recent History… to make it happen. Or, to be extra careful, go to Tools → Options → Privacy and select the "Always clear my private data when I close Firefox" option.

Search engine optimizing role in improving website traffic?

Discovery is the process by which search engines find new pages. The search engines use robot web crawlers which go out periodically to all the pages the search engine already knows about (frequency based on importance!) and collects the latest information on that page (since pages change over time). Among other items they collect are the links on the page. The links are compared to the list of known pages and any unknown pages are put into another queue (based on the importance of the referring page!) to be crawled by the robot.

How relevant is any given page to the requested search? Relevance really ties together all the strands of search engine optimization work. A page is relevant if the link text indicates other sites label it as relevant, if it is important (i.e. trusted), and if the page title and text indicate the page has contents specifically about those keywords.

How facebook & twitter improve sales?

Welcome to Web 2.0! Consumers make buying decisions based on different criteria now. They want to know what everyone is SAYING about a product before they commit to buy. Only a small percentage of consumers trust advertising.
Huge companies are realizing the need to talk to their customers and prospective customers like the small businesses have always been able to do. With Facebook, blogs and Twitter, the playing field has been narrowed. What does this mean for you?
You need to do things differently now. You need to find new and personal ways to communicate with your customers and prospective customers. They have come to EXPECT that. Now you need to put systems in place to give your customers what they demand.
Do you want prospective customers to have you in the top of their minds when they look for services like you provide? Yes! How do you accomplish that?
You put yourself and your company where the customers are. And where are they? They're online, in social networks, TALKING to each other.

How to protect yourself from dangerous viruses?

Most of the time, those websites that offer free music, songs, films and games downloads tend to come with certain virus packages. These things otherwise tend to be illegal for downloading but these websites assure you these free of cost. Well, these are not. You have to pay in form of buying these virus packages from these. One tip is to avoid downloading such stuff from these sites and if you do want to, then run a scan beforehand and check if that file is filled with viruses or not. Do not go for free screen savers and mouse cursor downloads. This also comes with a surprise package of harmful viruses that get to be installed onto your computer when you download these free screen savers and mouse cursors.
You are to open emails that come from your family, friends or acquaintances. A large portion of viruses can be downloaded from these emails from unknown sources coming different types of attachments. You are not to open such emails. Rather go for an email filtration system that will put anonymous and spam loaded emails into the junk.

How blogger templates help for traffic?

Installing a Third-party Blogger Template
The third way to change your blog's theme is to download and install a Blogger template created by a designer. There are many free Blogger templates available for download all over the Internet.
To install a third-party Blogger template, save the template XML file to your computer. Then, from the Layout -> Edit HTML page, click Browse..., and find the template file on your computer. Then click Open to return to the Edit HTML page. Click Upload to upload the new template.
Something to keep in mind if you are using a third-party blog template is that if you have added gadgets to your blog (e.g. Followers, Poll, Labels, etc.), you need to be careful when using a third-party template to avoid removing those gadgets. If you download and install a template that doesn't support your custom gadgets, they will be deleted when the new template is saved.
If your new template does have gadget discrepancies, you will receive the following message when you click the Upload button.
Widgets are about to be deleted
Please confirm that the following widgets should be deleted. All the widgets' configuration data will be lost.
The warning message will then list those gadgets that will be deleted if you proceed with uploading the new template. To avoid losing your existing gadgets, you'll need to find the XML tags that represent those gadgets in your current template, and merge those tags into the template you want to upload. Doing so may be a little tricky. You might be able to get some help from the original template designer

Advantages of FeedBurner With Blogger

Once you signup at FeedBurner and configure it to your liking, you can integrate it fully with your blog hosted on Blogger. Let's start by changing AutoDiscovery URL. When you visit a site which has feed information between it's tags, all modern browsers display a little icon to indicate that. You will need to change it to point to your "burned" feed at FeedBurner instead of default one.

Start by opening your blog. Right click anywhere on it and choose "View Source". Find the following lines:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="YOURBLOG - Atom" href="http://YOURBLOG.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default"/>
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="YOURBLOG - RSS" href="http://YOURBLOG.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss"/>
<link rel="service.post" type="application/atom+xml" title="YOURBLOG - Atom" href="http://www.blogger.com/feeds/1/posts/default"/>
<link href='<a target="_new" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.blogger.com/rsd.g?blogID=1">http://www.blogger.com/rsd.g?blogID=1</a>' rel='EditURI' title='RSD' type='application/rsd+xml'/>

Select the whole block and copy it (not from here, but from your own source code). Once you do that, go to your blog's control panel and click Template>Edit HTML. Find the following line:

b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'

And simply replace it with all the lines you just copied from your source code. Now, change these 2 lines you just pasted:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="YOURBLOG - Atom" href="http://YOURBLOG.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default"/>
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="YOURBLOG - RSS" href="http://YOURBLOG.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss"/>

Into a single line:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="YOURBLOG - syndication feed" href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/YOURFEEDNAME"/>

YOURFEEDNAME is the one you chose when adding your feed to FeedBurner. Congratulations - now when visitors click the feed icon at your blog, they will be taken to http://feeds.feedburner.com/YourFeedName.

Next, you might want to hide "Subscribe to posts (Atom)" link at the bottom of your blog, especially if you add subscription link on your sidebar. Simply go to "Edit HTML" window and add the bold line to the following code:

.feed-links {
display: none;

You might want to add FeedCount chicklet to your blog next to show off your subscriber number, or FeedFlare module to add all these social bookmarks I mentioned. If your feed has lots of subscribers, you can apply for FeedBurner's Ad Network and monetize your feed as well!

Increase Your Google Page Rank Rapidly?

There are several ways to build quality back links, most of which are free. Some of the more popular methods are submitting your URL to search engines, web directories, social bookmarking, yahoo answers, and forum posting. The more quality back links you have pointing back to your site, the faster you'll climb the Google ranks to position number one.
If you'd like to generate some back links to your website, you should start by clicking here and submitting your URL to Traffic Submit Services Web Directory. It's my very own free web directory. Add it to your list of free website directories and start building some Google juice to your website today!

Sprouter: A Microblog for Entrepreneurs

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