How to protect yourself from dangerous viruses?

Most of the time, those websites that offer free music, songs, films and games downloads tend to come with certain virus packages. These things otherwise tend to be illegal for downloading but these websites assure you these free of cost. Well, these are not. You have to pay in form of buying these virus packages from these. One tip is to avoid downloading such stuff from these sites and if you do want to, then run a scan beforehand and check if that file is filled with viruses or not. Do not go for free screen savers and mouse cursor downloads. This also comes with a surprise package of harmful viruses that get to be installed onto your computer when you download these free screen savers and mouse cursors.
You are to open emails that come from your family, friends or acquaintances. A large portion of viruses can be downloaded from these emails from unknown sources coming different types of attachments. You are not to open such emails. Rather go for an email filtration system that will put anonymous and spam loaded emails into the junk.

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